Won Distinguished Paper Award at NDSS'25
NDSS paper received a Distinguished Paper Award!
I’m an associate professor in the
College of Computing and Data Science
at the Nanyang Technological University.
I study the security, reliability, and sustainability of modern software systems.
My research interests now focus on two areas: (1) sustainability of evolving software systems
and (2) security and reliability of decentralized applications running on top of blockchains.
See my publication list for details.
I’m always looking for self-motivated students to work with.
NDSS paper received a Distinguished Paper Award!
SpecGen: Automated Generation of Formal Program Specifications via Large Language Models accepted by ICSE'25!
Papers accepted by ASE'24 (acceptance rate 27.3%)!
Demystifying Invariant Effectiveness for Securing Smart Contracts accepted by FSE'24!
A Meta-Study of Software-Change Intentions accepted by ACM Computing Surveys!
LightCross: Sharding with Lightweight Cross-Shard Execution for Smart Contracts accepted by INFOCOM'24 (acceptance rate 19.6%)!
ASE paper received an ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award!
A Vision on Intentions in Software Engineering accepted by FSE'23!