Won Distinguished Paper Award at NDSS'25
NDSS paper received a Distinguished Paper Award!
NDSS paper received a Distinguished Paper Award!
SpecGen: Automated Generation of Formal Program Specifications via Large Language Models accepted by ICSE'25!
Papers accepted by ASE'24 (acceptance rate 27.3%)!
Demystifying Invariant Effectiveness for Securing Smart Contracts accepted by FSE'24!
A Meta-Study of Software-Change Intentions accepted by ACM Computing Surveys!
LightCross: Sharding with Lightweight Cross-Shard Execution for Smart Contracts accepted by INFOCOM'24 (acceptance rate 19.6%)!
ASE paper received an ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award!
A Vision on Intentions in Software Engineering accepted by FSE'23!
Papers accepted by ASE'23 (acceptance rate 21%)!
Smart Contract Parallel Execution with Fine-Grained State Accesses accepted by ICDCS'23 (acceptance rate 18.9%)!
Responsibility in Context: On Applicability of Slicing in Semantic Regression Analysis accepted by ICSE'23 (acceptance rate 26%)!
Client-Specific Upgrade Compatibility Checking via Knowledge-Guided Discovery accepted by TOSEM!
Two papers accepted by ASE'22 (acceptance rate 22%)!
SolSEE: A Source-Level Symbolic Execution Engine for Solidity accepted by FSE'22!
PhD position on Blockchain and Smart Contracts is available.
Two ISSTA papers received the ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Awards!
Property-Based Automated Repair of DeFi Protocols accepted by ASE'22!
InvCon: A Dynamic Invariant Detector for Ethereum Smart Contracts accepted by ASE'22!
Large-Scale Analysis of Non-Termination Bugs in Real-World OSS Projects accepted by FSE'22 (acceptance rate 22%)!
Two papers accepted by ISSTA'22 (acceptance rate 24.4%)!
Demystifying Performance Regressions in String Solvers accepted by IEEE TSE!
CX2002 tutorial materials.
EvoMe: A Software Evolution Management Engine Based on Differential Factbase accepted by ASE'21!
DIFFBASE: A Differential Factbase for Effective Software Evolution Management accepted by FSE'21 (acceptance rate 24.5%)!
I've given a keynote speech at the 12th Asia-Pacific Symposium on Internetware!
A Survey of Smart Contract Formal Specification and Verification accepted by ACM Computing Surveys!
EQBENCH: A Dataset of Equivalent and Non-equivalent Program Pairs accepted by MSR'21!
Formal Analysis of Composable DeFi Protocols accepted by DeFi'21!
Oracle-Supported Dynamic Exploit Generation for Smart Contracts accepted by IEEE TDSC!
ModCon: A Model-Based Testing Platform for Smart Contracts accepted by FSE'20!
GenSlice: Generalized Semantic History Slicing accepted by ICSME'20 (acceptance rate 24.9%)!
Two papers accepted by ASE'20 (acceptance rate 22.5%)!
Two papers accepted by FSE'20 (acceptance rate 28%)!
CZ2006 tutorial materials.
PRECFIX: Large-Scale Patch Recommendation by Mining Defect-Patch Pairs accepted by ICSE'20 (acceptance rate 23.5%)!
Typestate-Guided Fuzzer for Discovering Use-After-Free Vulnerabilities accepted by ICSE'20 (acceptance rate 20.9%)!
Two papers accepted by ASE'19!
Postdoc positions available.
Precise Semantic History Slicing Through Dynamic Delta Refinement accepted by ASEJ!
DeepStellar: Model-Based Quantitative Analysis of Stateful Deep Learning Systems accepted by FSE'19 (acceptance rate 24.4%)!
VULTRON: Catching Vulnerable Smart Contracts Once and for All accepted by ICSE'19!
CZ3003 tutorial slides.
Client-Specific Equivalence Checking accepted by ASE'18 (acceptance rate 19.9%)!
Joining SCSE at NTU this August!
Received the Chinese Government Award for Outstanding Students Abroad (2017)!
CSlicerCloud: A Web-Based Semantic History Slicing Framework accepted by ICSE'18!
Managing Software Evolution through Semantic History Slicing accepted by ASE'17!
First beta version of CSlicer Cloud is now released!
FHistorian: Locating Features in Version Histories accepted by SPLC'17 (acceptance rate 30%)!
Received the Wolfond Scholarship in Wireless Information Technology!
A Dataset for Dynamic Discovery of Semantic Changes in Version Controlled Software Histories accepted by MSR'17!
Semantic Slicing of Software Version Histories accepted by TSE!
Precise Semantic History Slicing through Dynamic Delta Refinement accepted by ASE'16 (acceptance rate 19.1%)!
I have started a research internship at Google in Mountain View, CA.
Using Metric Temporal Logic to Specify Scheduling Problems accepted by KR'16!
ASE paper awarded the ACM Distinguished Paper Award!
I'm attending the 2015 Marktoberdorf Summer School.
Semantic Slicing of Software Version Histories accepted by ASE'15 (acceptance rate 20.8%)!
Angelic Verification: Precise Verification Modulo Unknowns accepted by CAV'15 (acceptance rate 27%)!
I have started a summer research internship at Microsoft Research India in Bangalore, India.
Management of Time Requirements in Component-based Systems accepted by FM'14 (acceptance rate 28%)!
Symbolic Optimization with SMT Solvers accepted by POPL'14 (acceptance rate 51/220=23.2%)!
Model Checking Approach to Automated Planning accepted by FMSD!
Source code of the symbolic optimization tool SYMBA is now released!